Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Give Me Yo Candy {Little} Girl

The title of today's blog is what my mom would tell me in a scary voice every Halloween growing's from an old SNL Halloween Skit.
(Teen Mom 2 Amber and Gary - Halloween Circa 2011)
(Hillbilly and Sexy Cowgirl - Halloween Circa 2008)
We are one CLASSY couple!!
If you need a last minute Halloween treat to make, I made this yummy pizza dip last night and added blue corn tortilla chips as the eyes and nose and sliced black olives for the mouth!
Z and I enjoyed one last night and I am sure my co-workers will enjoy theirs today!
More importantly than Halloween today is our Little Louie's First Birthday!!!!
He will be getting his hair cut for his birthday since you can't even see his eyes this morning!!!
Hope you all have a very spooky Halloween and I can honestly say I am so excited about tomorrow being the first of November!

1 comment:

  1. Awww- sweet Louie!! Happy bday to him ;)

    AND your costumes are a riot.... Amber & Gary, sooo funny!!!! :)

    I'm excited November starts tomorrow too! Lots of fun to be had this month :)


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